3 Helpful Tips To Prepare Your Roof For Fall

With summer quickly coming to a close, and fall just a few short weeks away at this point, most homeowners are starting to gear up for the season. While there are certainly a number of things to look forward to in the fall, whether you just love pumpkin spice lattes, or you can’t wait for the quickly approaching holidays, it is important to ensure that you are giving your home the attention it needs to make it through the coming fall and winter seasons in one piece, and your roof is a good place to start in that endeavor. To help highlight just a few of the things you can do this fall to ensure that your roof is properly prepared for the coming season, our team of professional
New York roofing contractors have taken the time to put together this short list containing a few helpful tips that we have collected. We invite you to take a quick read through this article and give our team of skilled professionals a call to schedule an appointment for any roofing services you might need to ready your roof.
Clear Away Debris
If there’s one thing that we’ve all come to expect from the fall months, it’s falling leaves. Falling leaves and a great deal of other organic debris tends to come down during this time of the year, and a great deal of it tends to always find its way onto your roof. This fall, one of the most important things you can do for your roof is to get up there, or have a professional do so, and clear away all of this debris so it doesn’t wind up just sitting on your roof all fall and winter long. Even small collections of leaves and other organic debris can retain quite a bit of moisture, which can lead to mold and mildew growth that will not only make your roof look dirty and dingy, but will also eat away at its surface over time. This fall, make sure that you are diligent in removing piled up debris from the top of your roof.
Clean Your Gutters
Your gutters are an absolutely essential part of your home’s roofing system. By helping to direct water down off of your roof and away from the foundation of your home, they essentially help protect your home from top to bottom, but if your gutters have become overstuffed with leaves and other organic debris, water might not be able to drain properly, which can be a big problem as we get into late fall and the winter. Standing water in your gutters can easily form into ice dams when the temperature drops, and as more snow and ice continues to pile up with no way down from your roof, the added weight can spell serious trouble for your roof and your gutters alike. This fall, make sure that you do everything in your power to keep your gutters cleaned out, or entrust the work to a pro if you aren’t comfortable up on the ladder.
Get An Inspection
The spring and summer months can take a serious toll on the condition of your roof, and this fall, while the weather is still mild and before the snow starts to fall, one of the most important things you can do for your roof is to have a professional roofing contractor come out and give your roof a thorough inspection. During the course of your inspection, our team of skilled professionals will be on the lookout for any signs of damage that might have slipped beneath your notice, and provide you with the repairs you need to restore everything to the way it should be. With a
roof inspection, you can have peace of mind in the knowledge that your roof is in good shape and ready for whatever the coming season has in store for it.
Our New York Roofers Provide:
- Roof Inspection
- New Roof Construction
- Roof Replacement
- Roof Inspector Services
- Roofing Maintenance
- Roofing Services
- Home Roof Inspection
- Roofing Installation
- New Roofs
- Roof Inspection Service
- Roofing Inspection
- Roof Repairs
If you are looking for a New York roofing contractor, give us a call today at 718-355-8830 or fill out our online request form.